Who do we work with?

We specialise in limited companies that are run by the owners. We have the expertise and experience to guide the owner through a maze of tax requirements so that they can concentrate on running the business, safe in the knowledge that their tax bills are at a minimum and all the forms are taken care of. And that doesn’t just mean the business tax bills, it also means the individual’s tax bills and their immediate family if appropriate.

We’re happy to work with any industry and we particularly like to work with creative people. We don’t just mean designers or artists – we mean craftspeople – photographers, cake makers, printers, florists, hairdressers, architects, web designers,  landscapers, furniture makers……etc. (we’re secretly a bit jealous of people who get to create things of beauty for a living!). Part of our skill lies in explaining the complex, and lets face it mundane, world of accountancy and tax in a simple or step by step way. We might be a bit ashamed to admit it sometimes but we get a kick out of organising the numbers so that they have real meaning and from saving people tax. I guess that’s how we get to show our ‘creative’ side!

We also have particular expertise in certain scenarios so if any of the following apply do get in touch:

  • Businesses that are approaching the vat registration threshold. We can guide you through the process, or maybe even advise how to avoid registration (legitimately!).
  • Start-up businesses. There’s a lot to deal with for a new business and we know just how to get things going, including whether a limited company is best, or not.
  • Businesses that are up and running and want to incorporate (go limited). This can be a complex area, particularly when it comes to saving tax, so an expert can make a real difference.
  • Additional ventures starting alongside an existing business. If you’re thinking of branching out then do get in touch, as again this can be a complex process when it comes to keeping the tax bills as low as possible.

Case Studies

Photography company

We helped this Company get a tax refund of over £2500 and the business ended up paying no tax for 2 years, despite being profitable.  We also helped the business owner drive around in a new and shiny company Mini with minimal tax implications. All by using our tax know-how and looking at the owners personal circumstances and requirements.

We don’t rely on out of the box tax schemes for our tax planning – we adapt the business and its owner’s requirements and wishes and create a tailored solution.

If you’d like to know more, simply visit our contact page, email us, or call on 01787 237 086

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